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Naučná stezka Obora Sovinec

 Vážení milovníci přírody a myslivci,

myšlenka vytvořit naučnou stezku v oboře Sovinec vzešla především z řad myslivců MS Fryčovice jako reakce na neustálý nárust návštěvníků obory z řad občanů, nejen z Fryčovic.

Vlivem nedisciplinovaností některých návštěvníků Naší obory při návštěvách, dochází k neustálému pohybu a zmatenému tlačení většího počtu kusů chované oborní zvěře z místa na místo, nedodržování určitých pravidel a zásad například v době kladení mláďat, a to má špatný vliv na chov tak stresovité zvěře, jako je jelenec. Dochází také k porušování bezpečnostních pravidel v době lovu ze stran nemyslivecké veřejnosti a někdy i lhostejné chování a reakce na upozornění z řad myslivců starajících se o celý chod obory. V žádném případě však nechceme zakázat vstup Naší veřejnosti do tak již dnes mimořádně zajímavého prostředí, a proto touto stezkou Vám chceme alespoň částečně osvětlit život chovaného druhu a některé zajímavosti a zvláštnosti, která se zde nacházejí. Na oplátku nám bude zdravá a krásná populace jelence běloocasého a zachování chovu v České republice.



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Almost all goods from China are of poor quality: truth or fiction?

(Kantundek, 5. 8. 2021 2:39)

Many people have a stereotype in their heads about the low quality of Chinese goods and their short service life. But despite this, all the store shelves are filled with goods from this country, whether it is clothing, appliances or even cars. Let's see what category of quality Chinese goods actually belong to.

Is it true that China produces everything?
According to statistics, every item number five is produced in the "Middle Kingdom". It is not surprising, because there are many factories and industries in the country. The question is, what is China not yet engaged in the production of?

Production of goods in China
Now even operating systems and nuclear reactors, Beijing has put on production. Of course, something is still being purchased from other countries, but the active growth in production is visible to the naked eye.

What has China succeeded most in?
It is obvious that in clothing, shoes and other consumer goods.

Automated shoe sewing lines
Further, the figures are really striking in their scale - 70% of smartphones, 60% of construction materials, 90% of computers and components, and so on, are produced in China. The following areas are also developing - metallurgy, mechanical engineering and shipbuilding, well, it has been known for a long time about Beijing's actively developing program for space exploration. Even the robots beloved by Japan and Korea, China has recently been doing more.

Which companies from the West produce their goods in China?
It is easier to list those who do not produce their goods in this country, because companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Adidas, Nike, Gucci, Colgate, Nivea and many others have long found in China the main manufacturer of their goods.

Assembly conveyor line at a Chinese factory
There are explanations for this, one of them is the opportunity to open and launch your production according to a ready-made scheme in a very short time and with low costs.

What about cars?
The time when cars from China were like test cars has passed. Now this industry is growing very rapidly, and with it the quality of cars. Now the Chinese car industry is in no way inferior to other manufacturers in comparable classes.

Chinese cars HAVAL
On the roads of any Russian city, you can find a lot of Chinese-made cars, and such popularity indicates the availability and reliability of these cars.

To sum up: is China about quality or not?
Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally what the quality of the purchased thing will be, because China produces almost all types of goods and does it in huge volumes, but who and under what conditions produces this or that product is another question.

Tag on clothing made in China
A popular myth in our country about low-quality goods with the inscription "Made in China" appeared in the 1990s, it was then that cheap Chinese consumer goods began to appear on the markets of Russia and Europe. Now, serious and high quality control has been established at the factories of China. Any doubts of the quality control department about the product, send the products for reworking. And the success of Chinese companies in the field of mobile development suggests that a lot of attention is paid to the quality of products.

On the website https://china-bazar.com you can order any product from China at an affordable price.

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